Thursday, May 6, 2010

To My Mother

I wanted to tell you how much I love you today. I wish you were here with me so we could celebrate Mother’s Day together. Thank you for giving me life. Thank you for feeding me and clothing me as a child. You didn’t just feed me junk, you agonized over making sure I ate my vegetables and that I was grateful for the food you prepared.
You didn’t just cloth me- you wanted me to have the best quality clothes you could afford. I always had a new fancy dress for special occasions. You loved me enough to pick out my clothing for school. I couldn’t just pick it myself. You made sure my teeth were clean, my face was washed and my hair was very neat before I came to have a healthy breakfast every day before school. And you paid for ballet lessons even though we didn’t have allot of money.
Mother, you taught me the importance of prayer by your example. Thank you for singing hymns at church and as you did housework. Thank you for the times you would hug daddy and let me squeeze in between you. It was Heaven. Thank you for training me in doing the dusting and cleaning the bathroom every weekend. You made me wash the dishes every other day and I hated it but, thank you. I also hated pulling the weeds from the rosebushes though I was glad to be working alongside you. You taught me how much you needed me.
Thank you for loving me and agonizing over me when I was rebellious. Again I want to say how sorry I am for what I put you through. I was a prodigal daughter and you prayed and prayed. I hope I never have to know what it cost you emotionally but it must have been awful.  Because of your example of unconditional love I was able to believe what Jesus did for me suffering the pain of the cross for them that did not deserve it. If I had one more chance to pick a mother to raise me I would pick you all over again. I would not make the choices I have made that broke your heart.
Finally, I thank you for loving my husband and children. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for God working in you to bless my life. Thank you once again for all that you have done and for all that you are. I am very rich because of your love for me and my family. I Love You.

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