Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pearl Of Great Price Challenge

I entered the Pearl of Great Price Challenge late this week. I am wearing a pearl necklace every day. It will help me remember to read or listen to the Word of God. It is a "Pearl of Great Price." Yesterday was the finale but I am going to continue challenge myself to do this.

I will be posting about my treasure finds. I started with Mathew. So far I want to write about the temptation of Jesus. I noticed the first temptation Satan chose dealt with hunger. Satan knows how we hunger after not just food but also other things.

The second temptation Satan chose was tempting the Lord. I am convinced this means Satan tries to gets us to not fear the Lord.  "Do what we want because after all we are saved by grace." This is a deception. God warns us against disobeying.

Notice how Jesus rebukes Satan with the Word. That is amazing. That is my goal. We are to know the Word. We should believe we live only by His every word. Jesus said it. Believe it!

The last temptation is bowing to someone or something other than God because we can be selfish and comfort ourselves with the things that are counterfeit. We must let God be our all. He is the great I am. He is our all. Every breath we take into our bodies is God's breath into us and our children. HE IS OUR ALL!

May the only wise God grant you His wisdom for every part of your life.

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