Friday, April 9, 2010

Marriage Wisedom

Allot of the reason a wife and mother gives up is because she gets sick and tired of been sick and tired. She knows the Truth but she is worn out. Well you are going to be more worn out then ever if you get a divorce, because then you will have to work and support the children alone. At least now you have a few good days. Life isn’t perfect no, but why throw the baby out with the bath water? Let me tell you no marriage is without problems, some worse than others.

Folks in the old days and hundreds of years before didn’t divorce. It was not an option. I mean in rare cases yes, but usually for Christians it was not an option. The Christians were to have more patience and love, and were to prove it in their marriage. I knew a woman named Beth. She was a believer and divorced her husband because she didn’t love him anymore.

Then she remarries a so called Christian man. Well he was dynamic for a while. They had Bible studies in their home each week, but it wasn’t too long before he began to show his true self. And then his wife showed her true self. He divorced her and he died. She went on to another husband, and now has Alzheimer’s and forgot the whole deal.

As a new Christian mother I watched that fiasco unravel. Their lives spoke volumes to me, and allot louder than the Bible study they had, I mean what are we here for? It’s to be a testimony? We are to show the world by our good works, our Father in Heaven? Does God shun the unbeliever? No He tries to help them. You mean when we make a mistake God divorces us? NO He loves us back into the fold. We as Christians are to be known by our love.

We are to be flames of living love, never ending love, always turning the other cheek, dying with the words of compassion "Lord forgive them for they know not what they do". So much confusion comes on us as Christians because we don’t understand God’s love, or what He expects out of us. We get so confused because we don’t understand Gods love or that we are to be examples of His love. All this tough love stuff I guess is ok, but I have never seen it work. How can we know another man’s soul? I think only God would have the ability to use tough love. And I don’t think He ever did, but who am I to say?

Housewifery Journal- Wisdom from a Modern Day Pioneer Homemaker by Mrs.

Connie Hultquist

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