Monday, April 26, 2010

I’m losing my sense of humor

Finally home from the hospital…was told I was being discharged around 12:30 but didn’t get home until 4:00…


We had to go and pick up LOADS of medicine and medical supplies, after finding out the cost, I kinda freaked out…


Wednesday at 10:30 is the meeting with Medicaid, I actually do not have to go to it, the women from the claim aid office at the hospital goes, and I am not sure I will feel up to going anyway…Please keep that in your prayers because I just don’t know what the next step is if we don’t get that. They are expediting the process because of the diagnosis of cancer, so it should not take 90 days to find out…everyone seems to think I qualify, but today I am having a hard time having to wait…One great thing is that if approved the coverage goes back three months so that will be great to have the doctors re-bill through Medicaid and to redo the prescriptions…


Physically: I am exhausted…I slept from 5pm-9pm today and am off to bed again soon…I took a shower and that zapped me of ALL energy…my stomach has not been happy for over three days…I have to learn when to take the anti-nausea medicine in relation to meals...


I have been surprise by how quickly my relationship with food has changed…I simply don’t want to eat anything, EVER, just reading the menu at the hospital made me sick…I ate some toast a little over an hour ago and it did not stay…I hate not knowing how long this feeling will last after chemo, the doctor said that most times it is three days but it seems to be lasting longer for me…he also said that the first time is probably the worst so maybe that is good…


I got NO rest in the hospital they are waking you up every three hours for something, I can’t tell you how many people I met and that took care of me…unfortunately for the next two months I will have to be woken up at 5:30 every morning by mom to flush my PICC line, it has to be flushed every 12 hours and because of where it is I can’t do it myself…maybe I will learn to sleep through it…


Tomorrow my goal is to unpack…and to get my medicines in order (that will be a task in and of its self for sure)


Mentally: is a whole different post, maybe I’ll write about that tomorrow…


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