Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bedtime Routine

I like to have dinner around 5:30pm so we can be done cleaning the kitchen by 6:30. Then I shower my girls and make them get ready for bed. When they are all ready it is time to go give grandma a kiss goodnight. After that we all go into there bedroom together and I may nurse my toddler while I read us either out of the Bible or a Bible story for maybe 10 to 15 minutes or more. It depends on how tired I am.

Then we pray and ask the Lord for protection and involvement in our daily lives. They are usually in bed by 8:00. My middle daughter doesn't fall asleep so easy. I try to help her any way I can. She usually ends up sneaking into our bed when we are asleep.

My toddler still wakes up in the middle of the night to nurse. She usually ends up staying next to me too. So what if we have a family bed? :) In the morning I read a scripture verse. I have a stack of verses I keep in an old tea box on the kitchen table.

I pray with my daughter Karla before I have to go walk with her and wait at the bus stop with her. We pray that she will be protected from bad influences. That she will learn only what God wants for her to learn. That she will be kind but strong enough to stand up for Jesus when need be.

Back at home I would usually do the morning chores which I should do a little better at involving my other two little girls with me. I take care of my mother in law too. I try to sneak in a break whenever I can to get on the computer. Unfortunately I don't finish all my chores I should have finished by the end of the day. The End

Have a good night.

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