Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Proverbs 7:10

And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.

The strange woman dresses to attract men's eyes. Though sexual sin requires removing clothes, a whorish woman puts on clothes to get their attention first. Then with the hook in their eyes, she can proceed with her flattery, kisses, and embrace (7:11-21). Here is Solomon continuing to warn against the horrible dangers of the strange woman (7:1-27).

What is a harlot's attire? It is clothing designed and worn to attract men's eyes to a woman's body and excite the lusts of the flesh for sexual sins. It is accessories and apparel planned to maximize a woman's physical appearance for approval and attention of men. It is a woman's effort at dressing to be as visually attractive as possible.

Christian woman, do you ever dress like a prostitute? You may not intend to do so, but if your clothes draw a man's attention to your body, then you are guilty of this wickedness. And you are an accomplice in the destruction of men's souls, even if you don't sleep with them. If you think prostitutes wear five-inch stiletto heels, fishnet hose, very short black leather skirts, and very tight, bright red sweaters, you prove ignorance of this subject!

Take note! The strange woman is subtil of heart. That means she is very crafty and deceptive in her ways. She does not come right out and say, "I am a whore, and I want you to sin with me." She is not so stupid, cheap, crass, and vile to dress like a street slut. She rather wants to maintain a decent image while securing the visual attention of men.

God made clothes to cover Adam and Eve. While they partially covered certain parts with aprons of fig leaves, the Lord covered them thoroughly with coats of skins (Gen 3:7,21)! Clothes are to cover and conceal, not to uncover and reveal! And skin does not need to show to reveal a woman's figure that leads men's eyes and minds to sexual lust.

The clothing industry does not seek to cover women's bodies; but to flatter, reveal, and uncover. Every year some new feature is designed to reveal more of her body in a more flattering way than before - as this year's low rider jeans. Every Christian woman should take care to be scrupulously modest in attire. Since a woman cannot understand a man's mind, she must listen to men about lustful features of clothing, and avoid most of them.

Short skirts show too much leg; low blouses show too much chest. Everyone knows these clothing choices are wrong. Spandex and spaghetti straps, bare midriffs and low riders, and tight jeans and tube tops are also off limits for modest women. Of course, a husband might like all these! Modesty does not apply to a woman with her husband (Heb 13:4).

But long skirts can show and tease as much or more by their slits, and straight or clingy skirts of any length reveal the hips and derriere too plainly. High blouses made of sheer material can be worse than low blouses, and a turtleneck sweater can emphasize a woman's bosom more than most garments. Long sleeve sweaters can often be immodest.

High heels were not invented for comfort, but to alter the shape of the calves and the movement of the hips while walking. A mincing walk is a wanton walk (Is 3:16). Sleeveless dresses, sandals with straps, lace and gauze overlays, ankle bracelets, and many other items should concern the consciences of women striving for public modesty.

Of course, modern women will rebel at these limitations and restrictions on their apparel choices. But the women of just a few years ago would have thought these ideas to be very inadequate for proper modesty. What is happening? Our nation is in moral freefall into the abyss of lascivious excess. True saints must look for the strait gate and narrow way!

The blessed God, Who created the woman and invented sex, declared that a meek and quiet spirit is precious in His sight (I Pet 3:3-4)! In His sight? In His sight! A gracious and godly woman is beautiful to watch; but her soul and spirit are seen, rather than her body. A noble woman emphasizes holy conduct and a humble and gracious spirit over her hair, accessories, or an outfit. She will adorn herself first and foremost with holiness.

Scripture does not teach women to be frumpy, ugly, or neglected in their appearance. In fact, the virtuous woman was a looker! But she did it in such a way to please and honor the Lord and her husband (31:10-12,22,30). See the comments on 31:22. Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Abigail, and other holy women were beautiful to look upon! It is the priority that matters. A woman must emphasize a godly and gracious spirit over physical appearance.

Christian man, since sexual sin with a strange woman begins with a look, there is safety in avoiding her presence as much as possible. You are foolishly sinful to choose places where women dress immodestly (Rom 13:14). If you cannot totally avoid her presence, then avoid looking at her. Why get your lusts even started (I Jn 2:16; Jas 1:13-16)! If you stay far away and avoid looking at immodestly dressed women, the battle is nearly won!

If you are a husband and/or father, make sure your wife or daughters wear modest clothing, or you are an indirect accomplice to the horrible temptations of other men. The saints of God should provide holy and modest companions and assemblies for one another, where sexual temptations by immodest attire are never part of the mix. May the Lord Jesus Christ be praised by such pure and virtuous men and women! Amen.

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