Friday, March 12, 2010


Sandra Kemp
(Sandra at my moms 50th birthday party, she was a BIG help in planning and putting it together)
Sandra lost her battle with lung cancer last night. It seems like she was just diagnosed. I am sad, and all I can think about is whether she got the special postcard I sent her this week. I’ve been trying to send her a couple of postcards a week since her diagnosis. We have been to London, Paris, The Rockies, and lots of other places together in those cards…This one was special because it was HUGE… an 8x10 print I found at the thrift store and had this adorable picture of a sad cat on it, she loved cats (with the help of the magic of the Google images I was able to find a picture)
I just stick glued some construction paper on the back slapped a bunch of postage on it and hoped it would make it…I was told she loved getting the postcards from me, and I am so glad for that.
I saw her for the last time on Sunday. After church mom and I went and visited for a while. I am glad mom made me go…I am so much more comfortable with cards, e-mails, letters ect…but I would have been upset if I had not had that one last chance to see her.
Sandra, my mom, and a few other friends got together weekly to talk and hang out, I am glad they got to meet one last time Tuesday of this week.
Sandra was spunky, and funny, and I will miss her

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