Friday, February 26, 2010

Waiting, in preparation to…wait

4:30 a.m., and I am watching the end of the first season of Ugly Betty
Tonight my neck is crazy sore, I have a fever, some chest pain breathing (like after you have coughed a lot) and for the first time it is painful to swallow (it has been hard to swallow, but no pain until tonight). Maybe the second day after a biopsy is worse than the first? I tried taking some ibuprofen but the pills are too big…k done whining now…4:00 a.m. is whining hour didn’t you know? Set your alarm clocks for tomorrow morning 4:00 a.m. sharp! I'll be up at work, feel free to call me and whine... :)
I am waiting for 7:00 a.m. so I can leave work and get to the hospital for the CT scan and chest X-Ray…my biggest concern right now is if they are going to make me wear a hospital gown because, in all seriousness, that is something that would make me not go thru with it.
I told mom not to come but I am secretly (as secret as you can be on a blog) glad she is coming. A 28 year old still needs her mommy. If one of our friends is still in the hospital in the morning we are going to visit her after.
The only problem I can see, is that I have to wait…at least the weekend (probably more) to find anything out. So here I am sitting here waiting to wait…BLAH!
Yesterday, I woke up and found mom visiting with someone in the living room. She is the mom of one of my oldest and best friends and had stopped by to see me and pray with us. Mom told me that earlier in the evening the hospital had called when I was sleeping wanting to know if we could pay three to four hundred dollars at the time of the CT scan…Mom told them she was pretty sure we couldn’t but that we would try…When our visitor left mom told me that she had given us some money for the CT scan and that it was two hundred dollars!
Can you believe it? I am thankful and a bit lost on how to show gratitude for such a generous gift. So with that gift, what mom is helping with, plus what I have, we will have a little over 400 dollars to present to the hospital before being scanned…all that happened while I was asleep…I am so glad because I don’t have the time or energy to worry both about what is going on medically AND worry about things financially.
Mom also told me that the hospital wants to meet with me after the tests so that they can let me know about state insurance options and a program they have for people with no insurance.
I’ve had an unexpected peace about things since the appointment Wednesday and the behind the scenes financial workings God performed yesterday solidified that peace for me.
At least I am pretty sure about one thing…that the tests today are not going to hurt…

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