Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Work schedule/pay

My current work schedule is INSANE these few weeks.

Oct. 5th thru 10th worked 6 nights in a row =74hrs

Oct. 12th thru 16th working 5 days in a row in a city 1 1/2 hours a way =55hrs

Oct. 18th thru 25th working 8 nights in a row =96hrs


Oct. 26th thru Nov. 1st FREEDOM

I am LIVING for the week of Oct. 26th

Needless to say I am overwhelmed. I am all about being trained for my job but not at the sacrifice of sleep and time with my family. Also another little point I need to make here…I am an INTROVERT!

What is the first letter in the word introvert? Yep I…I I I I I…I need to be by myself, in my home to recharge ME, I’m not selfish or lazy…I just know and acknowledge my needs. This week I have the pleasure to drive 1 1/2 hours each way to sit in a small over crowded room to be “trained”. It has been a disappointment, frustrating, and anxiety causing. It blows my mind that the people can’t just sit and be quite so that we can learn and get out (we could cut a day out with the amount of time that is wasted)…I don’t find socializing, complaining, and generally wasting time to be a good use of the days I have away from work.

Now, I am NOT complaining about the extra 350-400 dollars that will be in my check for this week of excursions…I just wish the company I worked for respected my time, acknowledged the inconvenience, were prepared, and professional when they DEMAND that I do this. (I almost got up and had it out with the nurse who was a jerk, to everyone, the ENTIRE day on Monday, I am praying there is an evaluation form at the end of the week because MAN do I have things to say!)

On to happier news…The end of December I will see an increase in this…


YEP, my paycheck (this is just a fake check found off goggle images)…I will be getting a .52 cent an hour raise. We were told to expect that this would be the last raise for a long time but a raise none the less, who wouldn’t like an extra 100 dollars a month? That covers my medications and leaves me just enough room to feel secure…I’ll let you know how that feels once I figure it out. *wink*


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