Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sports & MY television time

Football season has begun


I know this NOT because

…of commercials on TV

…restaurant staff walking around in colts jerseys


…of all the fantasy football team talk

I know this BECAUSE

every Sunday night excited to watch/live through one of my top 10 favorite TV shows of ALL time AMAZING RACE…what greets me?


could I please request (ahem, demand) that the money hungry Networks cut some commercials so that I can watch my shows on time…or give me an adequate reason as to why sports fans are more important than me.

Why give a timeframe when you know it is going to consistently be blown?

The other night golf went 25 minutes over and instead of starting the show 25 minutes late they returned to “regularly scheduled programming…ALREADY in progress.” What!? Already in progress? I’m gonna already in progress YOU and see how it feels.

Am I the only one annoyed with this behavior?

In other news…when I logged on today I saw that I now how 20 followers…WOO HOO I like even numbers (the symmetry of it all) and 19 was just killing me!

ALSO…do you ever feel that you have nothing to blog about and then…BOOM…when you have 1 idea you have 15 things to talk about? I feel like I’m busting with ideas…maybe that is because I’m stuck in the longest most boring training this week and have a lot of time to think (including the 1 1/2 hrs drive each way).


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