Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sweating to the Shingles

today half the roof was deshingled and new paper put down. tomorrow they are going to finish the 1st half. because of forecasted rain the rest of the week the 2nd half will be done next weekend.


after sunday school and church, this is what was done when I came home.

that is my uncle danny.

they already had all the shingles off. i was amazed. all that work in like 2 hours!



muscles caleb helping move a tarp full of shingles to the dumpster because I put WAY too many on without thinking about how much it would weigh.


mama working a wheel barrel


sandra one of my mom’s friends and my supplier of my People magazines (she has a beauty shop) to keep me up to date on the happenings of jon and kate gosslien…I know I shouldn’t read that stuff but I have watched them since the beginning and

I just can’t stop


(justification is that I don’t buy any of the magazines)


suzette (my mom’s cousins wife) helping us clean up


i thought this thing was really cool a big magnet to pick-up

…wait for it…


all the nails!


roof with the new paper down


my mom, uncle terry, and a helper, that my moms cousin doug (i didn’t get a picture of him) got to come and help us


i met and almost got to keep a beautiful kitty

sandra and i begged mom to keep her/him and almost had her in agreement. sandra even said that she would buy me a litter box. just as I was feeling a yes coming a couple of kids rode by on their bike and mom asked them if it was their cat. they said no but it was their friends. i walked my new little friend over to their house, asked to speak to their mom, and reluctantly gave the kitty back. they are keeping ‘lucky’ (we named her that) as an outside pet…

i gotta say that i don’t agree with that, i don’t agree with the idea of outside cats in a city setting and i let the family know that we were concerned for the safety of the cat living outside, and that i would love to keep her ‘lucky’ if they didn’t want her/him. i can’t say that i won’t be able to NOT save ‘lucky’ if i continue to see he/she walking around. she is just SO little and helpless.


meet ‘lucky’

beautiful blue eyes


‘lucky’ sitting on my mom’s car wheel

watching all of us work


‘lucky’ trying to get into the bread. i brought her inside while i was making a sandwich, she ate some turkey and bread.


don’t you think we belong together?


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