Saturday, July 18, 2009


Interview was Thursday morning

I think it went well

I looked good

I was personable


possibly even funny

I absolutely posses the qualifications and have the prior experience required.

Before talking about the actual interview I want to show you the transformation that took place at work. Being as I wear pajamas to work every night I don’t ever look my best.



After: doing hair and make-up I am continually surprised at how good I look with make-up on. I’m pretty, you can say it gosh (blushing)


My two hair necessities. First I curl down the top and curl out the bottom and use the spike it paste (this stuff is worth the 6 dollars, it works great, and it lasts forever) Next for finishing touch use Pantene texture hairspray, this stuff rocks! I have not used anything else for the past two years.


It was harder than I thought it was going to be to take a picture of the back of my hair so this is what you get.


Of course I needed to bring OPTIONS for outfits





yes…this is what i wore

Now on to the important information.

Job requirements:

*Home visits (ranging from 1x a week to 1x every three months)

*Detailed documentation

*Resource referrals

*Assisting with parenting and life skills

*Case management and planning


*22% increase in pay

*Really reasonable health and dental care

*Life insurance

*2 weeks vacation (1 week less than before but 2 weeks more than here, so I'm excited)

*Paid holidays

*Flexibility with working hours

*And to me the best benefit is that my caseload would never be over 25 families. After having a steady caseload of 75 families, 25 sounds like heaven. The work is a lot more intensive/hands-on, I always thought that I would enjoy being more of a "therapist" instead of just a case manager.

Next step: Wednesday 2nd interview then Friday shadow a home visit

The 2nd interview wasn't supposed to be for another week, but then they called and moved it up...I'm taking that as a good sign.


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