Friday, July 31, 2009

Give Away Time! ends 8-10 (updated)

It’s Give Away Time!
This is in honor of my, much needed, road trip.
The prize?
The usual...a custom 8x10 matte for a 5x7 picture.
You pick the picture, you pick the colors, I make it happen.
Here is a picture from my latest giveaway.


It was for her little boys room, I think it came out well... if I do say so myself.
Apologies for the bad picture quality, its from my phone.
To enter...
Just leave me a comment giving me your tips for a long road trip, I'd appreciate it!
Winner will be picked by when I return August 8th. I am sure I will blog while I'm gone...if I don't, then...
I won't have to miss you cause I have an amazing phone with the internet...


I think they call it a 'Smartphone' whatever it is I may be addicted and...I’m O.K. with it.

!Good Luck!

updated info:
MckLinky Blog Hop


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