Saturday, May 23, 2009

Symptom: Lists~ Diagnosis: Anxiety

I have been wanting to make lists all week.
My jaw is tired from being subconsienly clenched.
I seem to get the urge to make lists when I am anxious.
I when I am anxious my OCD starts.
I feel the need for everything to be perfect....I need everything to go the way I picture it in my head...I don't feel like I can sleep until everything I have control over is perfect. I can't sleep when I should and sleep when I shouldn't.
Here is a list of things of which
I have control over
*Organization of the attic
*Organization of my closet...hall closets...any closet that gets in my way
*Swiffering the floor within an inch of its life
*Rearraging anything I don't FEEL is in its proper place.
*The symmetry, spacing, and look of things on shelves
*My tonails being painted nicely
*My time (usually means holding up in the house)..I am SUCH a homebody even on none anxious days.
The list goes on and on...
I think this is a time I should up the dosages of one of my meds. My psychiatrist wrote the perscription in such a way that I can increase it when i'm having weeks like this.
Good thing I started writing this post. I may not have come to the medicine option. I knew I like blogging for good reasons.

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