Thursday, May 7, 2009


Life goes on...
I have been feeling really exhausted and run down the past week.
I'm not sure why...
This week I have yet another new dermatological issue.
From what I can tell I may be allergic to latex gloves.
The hand I wear the gloves on is red, raised, and incredibly itchy and painful.
So far it has been two days...
The itching and pain really SUCK!
The spots are also on my feet so when I walk my feet immediately start itching and hurting.I'm not sure if I touched my feet with the infected hand or what.
I am ready to be OVER all this skin sensitivity I've been having the past few months. I feel so PATHETIC, I try not to be a complainer but seriously it has been hard.
I'll leave you with new pictures of the birds in the grill at work

Their beaks have grown

They look more bird like
I'm amazed at how much they have
grown in two 1/2 days

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