Wednesday, May 13, 2009

100th Post and a giveaway

It's my 100th post.
I've been trying to think of something original
something interesting.
What I've come up with is the same old idea that everyone does, a list of things about themselves. I am SO not going to be able to come up with 100 things about myself so I will write until I'm stumped.

1. I put a tv on in the living room, bedroom, and kitchen when I am cleaning so I can walk around the house and still watch my shows
2. I love reality tv, there is just something about observing people, its like being in a busy mall people watching only you are at home on your couch
3. I have NO problem driving until the gas light comes on (it don't SCARE me!)
4. I brush my teeth in the much less messy, take it from me
5. I order pretty much the same thing to eat when I go out, most of my friends and family could order for me
6. I wear my pajamas to work (since I work nights)
7. I like to drive fast
8. I have once bought 6 pairs of the same most comfortable pants ever
they were from lane bryant and gaucho style sweat pant material. In those pants I wear four sizes smaller than normal
9. I occasionally sleep with my make-up on *gasp*
10. I would love to be a spy but I don't think I would lie well
11. My favorite cake is funfetti with funfetti icing
12. I have a low tolerance for people who block isles in stores
13. The two things I missed the most the two weeks I was in Russia were toilet paper and sliced bread
14. I love thrift stores
15. I hate it when people call a carbonated drink 'pop' pop is the sound the can makes when you open it, soda is the actual stuff in the can! :)
16. my favorite SODA is big red
17. I am lucky that my period lasts for only 3 days or so...I don't think I could handle longer :)
18. last year I caught the same mouse about four times using a 'humane' trap before giving up and buying an old fashioned 'snap the mouse dead' sure liked cheese it crackers!
19. I have sensitive hearing
20. I love Dr. Phil, I think he is insightful and really well educated in his field I love days when Dr. Phil is new
21. I can be a scrapbooking fiend...yep, I said FIEND
22. My ten year high school reunion is this year, WHAT?! I just got the invitation in the mail
23. I can't get enough of 'that face' you know the face I mean, 'that face' that the dog gives you when its trying to figure out if what you are saying means they are going to get a treat, or a walk :)
24. when I re-upped on my cell phone contract I did it over and got a wicked awesome att tilt phone for 1 cent
25. When it comes to decor I am seldom complacent, I like to move things around until they tell me where their home really is...yes objects speak to me...its a gift
ok 25 things is enough.
now for some fun...
I would like to give a custom designed matte
you get to pick the colors, occasion ect...
this matte will be 8x10 fitting a 5x7 picture
here is a little sample of my work

this is the prize I gave away at the Ultimate Blog Party after winning I consulted with the winner and was able to make a completely custom matte for one of her favorite photographs
To win you just need to leave a comment on this post answering the question...What is your guilty pleasure? I shared a couple of mine earlier in my list.
for extra entries
become a follower of this fabulous blog (one extra entry) leave a separate comment for becoming a follower.
Well I guess just this one because I don't do twitter, I don't have a button and I don't think anyone is going to want to make a post about this giveaway...(if by chance you do make a post just leave a comment letting me know and I will give you three extra entries)
Peace Out! (can you tell I'm in a goofy mood today?)

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