Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sick Dog

Yesterday I witnessed something really scary. I was on the computer doing whatever it is that I do on there and remembered that the dog was outside. I looked to the side out the big picture window and saw 'Little Bit' throwing up gooky yellow stuff. My first reaction is gross! She must have gotten into something that upset her stomach. Before I could catch a breath and go outside to check on her she fell over. With her tongue hanging out she is convulsing. It looks like a seizure. I felt helpless. The shaking only lasted a few seconds and I grabbed my phone while running outside. I tried to call my mom several times, knowing that there wasn't really anything she could do. I got outside and Little Bit is up and a bit wobbly, walks toward me. I bend down and give her some love, and we go into the house. Once inside she seems ok, wants a treat like always but remembering what I just witnessed decided not to give her one. The next few hours she asks to go outside a lot, mostly to scarf down some grass, and refuses to eat or drink anything. When I left for work she was snuggled in the blankets in her bed, looking all cute. I think she is fine, but she is 10 years old and hasn't had health problems before. I guess we can't expect her to never get sick.
This tape is of her this morning when I got home from work, she seems to be herself again. Thank Goodness. She is just so darn cute!

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