Thursday, April 9, 2009


I may have done something really stupid today. Most people know that since I have started my job in January I have been itching like crazy. Today was the breaking point. Over two weeks ago I wrote a note to my supervisor stating what is going on. I provided him with a copy of my urgent care bills that total over 500 dollars, pictures of the sores on my legs, and the information that everyone that works there is itching.
I never heard from him concerning that note. This week at work has been especially hard with the itching at work. No amount of benedryl spray, or lotion would calm my skin. Tuesday I had to take a shower in the middle of my shift to try and make my skin stop attacking me. This morning I was really frustrated and over it and called to tell my supervisor that I just couldn't come in tonight. I told him at 8am that I wasn't going to be able to come in at 8pm. I did not recieve a call back until 5:30 pm telling me they couldn't find anyone. Five minutes after taking that call I decided that I was not going back into that house until something was actively being done about this problem. My impulsivness in this matter was fuled by the reaction my supervisor had to my request. I called the house I work at and told them that whatever the concequences I would not be coming back to work until something happened. They said that when Bernie was there today he told them that I was just going to have to work, I couldn't take off for itching. I would be hard pressed to believe that he would not feel like I did if he had been dealing with what I have for the last three and a half months. Below is the letter that I wrote tonight and my mom is faxing in the morning. I've re-read it after calming down a bit, and feel that it is ok.

To whom it may concern;
I am formally stating that I cannot come back to work until the conditions of the house are address. Over two weeks ago I wrote a letter to my supervisor Bernie showing two urgent care bills totaling over 500 and pictures documenting the issue with the house. The house has something in it that is making all who work there miserable with itching. I will only talk about myself in this letter because I am the one choosing to take this stand. The last three nights of working I have been miserable. Nonstop itching. When I am not at work my itching is 1000 percent better. Just to rule out that the itching is not caused by things in my home I have changed laundry detergent and rewashed all my clothes, along with buying several new body washes (they are not cheap) and trying several different types of lotions. My house and the products I use are not the problem, the house (Jasper One) I work at is. I have sores in places that I will not show. At work if I sit on the carpet or on the couch or on the fabric recliner I instantly start itching like CRAZY. It seems to me that indicates there is something in the house causing this itching. I should not be expected to work in an environment that is making me sick. Today I wrote the following note to Bernie because I knew he would be at the house today;
The itching continues and is becoming a huge problem. I don't know how many more nights I can do this. I don't think I understand exactly what kaye is doing and I don't think waiting until Monday when kaye gets back is acceptable. Zach and Larry can't speak for themselves and if we are all feling this way then it stands to reason they are and it seems to me that is a reportable incident. I feel a bit like this isn't being taken seriously. The other night I had to take a shower in the middle of my shift to try and get the itching to calm down. Please let me know what is going to be done to address this we are all suffering and have been for a long time.
Thank you for your response to this matter

After leaving the note at the house, I called Bernie asking him to find someone to work for me tonight because I have to have a day that I am not scratching myself raw. Bernie’s response to my request was ‘it is going to be hard to find someone to fill in for you because you are itching’ that comment right there shows me that he does not take this seriously. Concrete action needs to be taken not only for my comfort but for the health of the men living in the house. Larry has bumps and sores all over and I have no doubt a lot of them are a result of the house. In the communication book Kaye left a note a while ago stating that she does not use Zach’s recliner because he seems to itch in it so he sits in a rolling desk chair in his room. This week when I came to work there was a fabric table cloth over the fabric chair in the living room, I can only assume this was put there to try and stop whatever is making us itch.
I f I felt I was being taken serious I would try to be more patient. There are several things that could have been done to try and help us out, least of which could be to have the carpets and furniture steam cleaned. All I needed was a good faith effort and some indication that I am being taken seriously.
Imagine itching for months straight. Imagine having spent over a full paycheck on Dr. office visits, buying a lot of medicines, lotions, and missing two days of overtime pay on work because of this. I think you would be as upset as I am.
If this is not address within a week, I will go to the next step, and the next authority or agency that can do something to address this. I do feel that this is a reportable incident and should be treated as one.
Bernie should have the copies of the pictures of my sores, and of the urgent care bills where I had to get a steroid shot and antibiotics to try and stop the itching. If you need those again please let me know I will be happy to provide those.

In Concern

April Best

Tomorrow I could be fired, who knows. I feel like I have just reasons, and that someone had to stand up and make some noise to be noticed. I cannot stand not being heard and taken seriously.

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