Sunday, April 19, 2009

Declaration of War

Last week I wrote a post about my adventures in lawn mowing. I felt pretty satisfied after that experience. The yard looked great. The yard looked great for two days. Yesterday (Saturday) I got up early because I couldn't sleep. Outside I saw how tall these weeds had gotten in the few days since I'd mowed. I was irritated, perplexed, but too tired to really care. I went ahead with my day and gave the dog a bath. It took a long time to get her to stop being mad at me for giving her a bath. Once she was once again happy she and I took a three hour nap on the couch. It was great! My couch is AWESOME, it is wider and longer than most, plush might be the correct descriptor.
I digress.
Back to the weeds.
So, I wake up from my nap and go to the desk to check my e-mail. When I look out the window I see a bunch of yellow dandelions sprinkled all over the yard. Those were NOT there three hours ago. I mean they are so tall, how do they grow so fast? Am I the only one that didn't know it worked this way?
When mom got home I asked her if she had seen the lawn and she said yes. I made very clear, declared almost that I would not touch a lawn mower again if something wasn't done. If something wasn't done about these unwanted guests taking up residence and multiplying all over my lawn.
So today mom comes home and said that she bought some ortho weed killer something or another. I am SO excited to see if this stuff works. Seriously, why mow the lawn if it is going to look the same crappiness in two days?
So, fingers-crossed y'all there will be need for celebration when the weeds DIE...I think I will be so happy I might just write a song about it. Stay tuned for that cause I know you won't want to miss it :)


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