Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Born on This Day

Meet my friends
Amy & Jeremy
today they are becoming
Mom & Dad to
Little Miss Alaythia.
She will be born sometime tonight. They live in Texas and I in Indiana which will make holding the little one hard. Absence will only make me enjoy smelling, touching, and snuggling with her all the more memorable. You know when I can afford to fly out there.
Preparation, celebration, and thanksgiving have occurred since finding out this beauty was coming into the world. I have already sent a couple of packages of clothes, (I just couldn't pass up). I am a total sucker for a good sale or a pristine dress from a thrift store. I got a picture of the pregnancy test texted to me the night they found out. I was driving when I received this picture and laughed so hard I almost went off the road. Next I got a text with the swishy, swish, swish the first time they heard the heart beat. I feel lucky to have been a participant (albeit very passive participant) in this journey.
I have known Amy since I was like 13, so it feels like all my life. Even though we lived and hour from each other our church afforded us opportunities to see each other throughout the year. Camp, traveling choirs, special services. She graduated a year before me but we ended up going to the same college. There our friendship deepened to that comfortable, easy level we all crave. And in the, (covering my mouth) cough cough siveven years since graduating our friendship has proved to be one that will last a lifetime.
I have known Jeremy for as long as he and Amy have been dating. I was rooming with her and two other girls during the disgustingly sweet and happy beginning to their relationship. That year Amy got a bear for Christmas from Jeremy. Now this wasn't an ordinary bear. This was a bear from Build a Bear with a recording of Jeremy's voice on the inside. I don't remember exactly what he said but I do remember waking up on several occasions to a man's voice in our bedroom.
Jeremy and I have gotten along from the start. We are the same on the Meyer Briggs personality scale. He is a funny, goofy, deep, sensitive, and a hard working guy. We have had a lot of good times together both serious and funny. Sassiness is a speciality for both of us.
He and Amy are good together. They have fun together. They really LOVE each other. They spent the first seven years married enjoying each other, and now they get to share that love with Alaythia. She is a lucky baby. I will be sure to tell her that often. She will grow up in a household of faith. Faith that is not only spoken but lived, faith that is real, faith that is generational.

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