Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bird Nest update #1

Last night was my first night back at work since I made my risky declaration; "I will not come back to work until you fix the itching problem" They cleaned all the carpets along with the furniture beds ect... Being home for over a week and a half my itching had all but disappeared. I was on the mend and man did it feel good. When I walked into the house last night it looked good. You could tell that the carpets had been cleaned. I did not itch as much as I had been in weeks prior but I was still itching last night. It was a small miracle that I could sit on the couch most of the night and not itch myself raw. I am cautiously optimistically that I will be able to work in comfort. Only time will tell!
One of the first things I did when I started work last night was check on the birds nest in the back yard. There were five eggs where once there were three. When I told the day staff that there were two more eggs she was really surprised. Surprised because last week she said they checked on the nest and there were NO eggs.
I am excited to monitor the situation
I don't know why but they make me happy, maybe I am starting to like nature.

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