Sunday, February 22, 2009


I have been diligently recycling for over a year now.

Today as I emptied the small trash can where we put the plastic I thought, "man this is A LOT of work". Yeah, it is I thought to myself, but it is worth it.

Since I don't have the self control to stop drinking soda, thus making the demand for plastic bottles less, I need to at least dispose of the packaging responsibly.

It has felt really good to do this recycling thing. The amount of trash we make has reduced drastically, really try it you will be amazed!

Recycling glass, aluminum (cans both food and soda), paper, junk mail, plastic, and cardboard can get tedious. Different bins are required for each. For someone like me who likes things clean and relatively uncluttered having five different bins can be overwhelming. I will try to let it go, the alternative is buying this 300 dollar cabinet I saw in a magazine that has 6 compartments for looked really nice.

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